How to Ask About Someone’s Gender

We always say that if you don’t know someone’s gender or pronouns, just ask. But how do you do that in a respectful way? As a stranger, we can use they/them pronouns and avoid gendered language for everyone we meet until they specify. But what if this is a new colleague or a friend of a friend? Or what if your partner or child just told you they are questioning their gender?

The closer you are to someone, the more impact your questions are going to have. You can ask questions to find out the basic information such as how they identify and what pronouns and name to use. Or you can ask deeper questions to get a better understanding of what their identity means to them, how they picture themself, and what their experience of gender is day to day. These deeper questions can help you form a more accurate mental image of the person as they see themself so that you are more likely to gender them correctly. They can also help the other person sort out some of their confusion around their gender (if need be).


When asking questions about gender (or any other sensitive topic), I follow the principle of not asking any question I wouldn’t also be willing to answer. I also use the caveat that they never have to answer a question I ask, though I do appreciate knowing why they don’t want to answer so I avoid asking other questions that they don’t want to answer.

If you are ever uncomfortable about asking something, it’s a good bet the other person will have some discomfort in answering as well. Be honest about your discomfort but don’t let that stop you. Be aware of your surroundings and choose a place where both of you feel the most safe (likely a private space).

If you’re not sure how to phrase a question or what language to use, be honest about that too. Try to avoid saying ‘I don’t mean any disrespect, but…’. Instead, use a phrase like ‘I’m not sure how to word this question. Is it okay if I ask it anyway and you can tell me how I’m supposed to say it?’ Usually, there is a reason why a certain question is inappropriate. Either the word you chose is seen as offensive, how you used it was incorrect, or the subject matter isn’t appropriate to ask about. It is helpful if you can find out why the question was wrong so you avoid making the same mistake with other questions or in other circumstances.

Asking about basic information such as gender identity, pronouns, or name is pretty straightforward. Offer yours first, then ask. ‘Hi, I’m Wendy. I’m a cis woman and I use she/her pronouns. How do you identify and what pronouns do you use?’ Keep in mind that knowing how someone identifies isn’t usually necessary. Pronouns and name are enough to interact with them respectfully.

Always question yourself about why you want to know the information and what purpose it will serve for you. If you’re just curious, generally you should refrain from asking unless you have a close relationship with that person and you’re in a private space. But, if you feel that you do need to know more information, you’re going to need to know what questions to ask.


As I said above, you can ask these more intense, specific, personal, and invasive questions to learn more about someone’s gender for your own understanding or to help them figure out their own gender. I have grouped these questions into categories to make it easier to follow. These are just examples – feel free to pick and choose from each list as needed rather than using every question. This list is by no means exhaustive.

Gender Identity

  • How do you identify with regards to gender at the moment?
  • Has your gender identity changed over time?
  • What labels do you use for your gender and how do you define them?
  • Does your gender always feel the same or does it fluctuate?
  • Does your gender influence your sexual orientation in any way?
  • Are you comfortable with your gender identity or is it a source of frustration?
  • Are you confident in your gender identity or do you still have some confusion?


  • What pronouns feel best for you?
  • Do you always prefer those pronouns?
  • What name do you want me to use?
  • What other language feels best for you (guys, ladies, girl, ma’am, sir, bro, dude, etc)?
  • What familial terms feel best for you (sister/brother/sibling, son/daughter/child/offspring etc)?
  • Is there any way I can help you test out various names/pronouns/language?

Body Dysphoria and Euphoria

  • Are there parts of your body that feel wrong or bring discomfort?
  • Are there parts of your body that feel good?
  • How do you picture your body should look?
  • Do you do anything to make your body feel more authentic for yourself?
  • Do you do anything to modify how your body appears to others?
  • Are there specific ways you would like me to refer to or interact with certain parts of your body?
  • Is there any way I can help you test out various presentations?

Medical Transition

  • Are you planning to/have you already started hormones?
  • How do you feel about the idea of/changes from taking hormones?
  • Are there any challenges you are facing with accessing hormones?
  • Are you planning to/have you already have any gender affirming procedures/surgeries?
  • How do you feel about the idea of/changes from [procedure/surgery]?
  • Are there any challenges you are facing with getting [procedure/surgery] done?
  • Have you ever encountered transphobia in a medical setting?
  • Is there anything I can do to support you with accessing basic or trans-specific medical care?

Legal Transition

  • Are you planning to/have you already changed your legal name?
  • Are you planning to/have you already changed your gender marker?
  • What documents have you changed so far?
  • What institutions have you informed of this change?
  • What documents/institutions do you still need to change/inform?
  • Is there any way I can help you with making these changes or support you during this process?
  • If we are in a situation where I need to disclose your legal name/gender, what would you like me to say? (hospital, banking, insurance, police, etc)

Practical Concerns

  • Who are you out to?
  • How would you like me to refer to you around people you are out to?
  • How would you like me to refer to you around people you are not out to but who know you and who you also interact with?
  • How would you like me to refer to you around people you are not out to but who you have no interaction with?
  • Have you encountered any transphobia?
  • Is there anything I can do to provide support?
  • Is there anything I have been doing or saying that is uncomfortable? What would you like me to do/say instead?

I hope this list of suggested questions helps guide your discussions of gender with anyone you interact with. Remember to think about how you would answer these questions before asking them of someone else. These questions are designed to guide a discussion that would be a follow up to the basic learning I talked about in How to Be a Trans Ally so don’t forget to start there.

Let me know how your discussions about gender are going! Or, let me know if you have other questions that you have found helpful in your discussions and I will add them to the list above. Leave a comment on this post or send me an email! Looking forward to hearing from you.


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How to be a Trans Ally


Being an ally for any minority takes more than being accepting of a friend or acquaintance from that identity. Not being a biggot is not the same thing as being an ally. Being an ally isn’t a perspective, a state of mind, or even a level of understanding. It requires ongoing action that at first can be a challenge but eventually becomes automatic.

As someone who is part of a majority group, it is not for you to say that you are an ally. If you take actions that show to members of the minority group that you are safe to be around, understanding, supportive, affirming, and uplifting, they will label you as an ally.

Being an ally takes work, requires an open mind, and most of all, a willingness to feel uncomfortable. At some point, someone from a minority group will tell you that what you’re doing isn’t helping or may actually be causing more harm than good. Being an ally means listening to this perspective, asking questions to understand it further and what you can do differently, then acting on what you’ve learned.

Being an ally for one minority does not mean you are an ally for all minorities or even all the identities encompassed by that minority. Being an ally at one time does not guarantee you are an ally forever or in all circumstances.

But don’t let this discourage you! We need more allies!! Below are a number of ideas for what it means to be an ally to trans people. Please leave a comment below or get in touch with me if you have questions or other things to add to this list!


Put your pronouns in your email signature, your social media profiles, your video chat name, and on name tags. As a cis person, you likely have never had your pronouns questioned, never felt uncomfortable with the pronoun people assume you use, and never had to justify your use of that pronoun. Trans people have to do this every day or deal with the discomfort of being misgendered. So please, normalize the expression of pronouns by including yours.

Along the same lines, when you are introducing yourself to someone (anyone, not just someone you guess or know to be trans), introduce yourself with your pronouns. “Hi, my name is _____ and I use ______ pronouns.” You may get some funny looks or confusion from cis people who are not trans aware and you may feel awkward the first few times but just like anything else, it gets easier with practice. If you give up the first time it is uncomfortable, you really aren’t understanding how uncomfortable, scary, and often painful it is for trans people to be in a similar situation. And they don’t have the choice to just walk away, pretend it doesn’t exist, or avoid the discomfort.

Learn how to use a variety of pronouns. No, she/her and he/him are not the only singular pronouns out there. They/them is fairly common. There are also neopronouns such as per, xir or zir, and aer. Learn how these pronouns sound, how to use them in a sentence, how to switch between different pronouns, how to use pronouns that seem counter to your perception of someone’s gender, and how to avoid using pronouns altogether. Often, in English anyway, it is easy enough to rearrange a sentence to remove pronouns or substitute the person’s name.


Understand what it means to be trans. Understand the difference between sex, gender, sexual orientation, and gender presentation. Learn about some of the various identities that fall under the trans umbrella. Learn about the different steps someone might take to transition. You don’t need to know all the ins and outs of all the medical procedures or medication options (unless you are a healthcare worker and this is relevant to your field) but a general understanding is required.

Understand some of the challenges faced by the trans community in your area. This may be systemic barriers such as access to medications and medical procedures, cost of changing ID, wait times for medical procedures and documentation changes, lack of inclusive forms at medical clinics, banks, and workplaces, and difficulty accessing employment and housing. Or it could be interpersonal barriers due to transphobia that increase the risk of physical and emotional harm. Or personal challenges such as dysphoria, lack of social support, or struggles with mental health or addictions.

Some of this knowledge can be gained through online resources (such as this blog) but you will also have to engage with your local trans support networks and advocacy organizations. You may be tempted to simply ask your trans friend a slew of questions to learn about all these things. DO NOT do this. Trans people have to educate almost everyone they come in contact with. As an ally, you do not want to be another one of those people. If you have looked up everything you can online and joined the mail lists of your local organizations to learn more and still have some specific or personal questions to clarify a couple things, ask your friend if it’s okay with them if you ask them and when a good time would be. They are not obligated to answer. If you see this refusal as a lack of their friendship you really don’t understand what it means to be trans.


Avoid making assumptions about someone’s gender based on their sex, presentation, physical characteristics, or mannerisms. Keep your language neutral by referring to everyone using they/them pronouns and neutral language until they have disclosed their gender to you. Yes, everyone. Not just people who fall outside the ‘norm’ of gender presentation or someone you think might be trans. You can’t tell someone’s gender from the outside. Being an ally means creating a safe place for trans people that you haven’t met yet. The only way to do that is to consider that anyone could be trans and act accordingly.

Once you learn someone’s gender, don’t make an assumption about what pronouns they use, what steps they have taken or plan to take in terms of transitioning, or what their experiences are with dysphoria. Every trans person’s identity, journey, and experience is different. You don’t have to understand all the different possible experiences to be an ally but you do have to keep an open mind and understand that there is no one way to be trans.


You may not be able to learn everything you want to without asking a trans person some questions. And if you’re not supposed to make assumptions about anyone’s gender, you may have to ask someone questions to learn more about their experiences. Knowing what questions to ask, how to ask them, and when/where it is appropriate to ask them is part of being an ally. This, too, takes practice.

The knowledge you have gained about terminology will help you with appropriate wording. Knowing what challenges trans people face will help you be aware of the context and choose an appropriate time and place. Beyond that, honesty is the best policy. If you’re not sure if the question is appropriate, or you’re not sure how to word it, make sure you’re in a safe and private environment before asking and then be honest about your lack of knowledge. Ask for feedback and be open to it when it’s given, solicited or not.

Keep in mind that just because one trans person was comfortable answering a particular question does not mean every trans person will be. Some people are open, some people are private. This is true for trans people as well.


As an ally, your main roles are to set a good example for other cis people and to create a safe environment for trans people. This means correcting yourself when you make a mistake with pronouns or other gender references and correcting those around you if they misgender someone (regardless of whether the person is present or not). If you’re not sure whether the trans person wants you to correct other people on their behalf, ask them!

If someone asks you to speak about trans experiences and issues or asks you to review a policy or resource to ensure it is trans inclusive, defer to a trans person, especially if it is a paying opportunity. It is not your job to speak for trans people but to give trans people the support, space, and opportunity they need to speak for themselves. You can also share social media posts from trans accounts and spread news stories that talk about trans people in positive ways.

On a smaller scale, you can offer to be a buddy for a trans person in your life, especially if they have limited social supports. Whether it’s going to the public washroom with them for safety, going with them to medical appointments or registry offices for document changes, or being a caregiver after surgery, there are lots of ways you can help support a trans friend when other people who aren’t allies wouldn’t realize they would need extra support or when the trans person wouldn’t feel comfortable asking for support from non-allies.

I hope this helps give you some ideas of how to be a trans ally. If you are a trans person, feel free to share this with people in your life. We need more allies! Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or if you have suggestions for other ways to be a good ally.


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Let’s Talk Gender S2E5: Coming Out as Nonbinary

Hi everyone. Welcome back to Let’s Talk Gender.

This episode is about coming out as nonbinary, why it is so darn hard, how to figure out whether it’s the right time and place to do it (again), and how to respond to inappropriate questions and ignorance. 


I look at coming out as an equation between pros and cons. On the pro side, I have need and benefit. How much do I need to come out? This often comes down to how much I’m struggling with not being out. As someone who is somewhat genderfluid and about 50% of the time is comfortable being identified as female, most of the time my need to come out is pretty low. If I’ve been experiencing a lot of dysphoria or been through a triggering situation, the need definitely goes up. 

How much will coming out benefit me? And how likely am I to receive those benefits? The benefit to me of everyone I come out to accepting me 100% as a nonbinary person is very high but the likelihood of that happening is very low, much lower than for binary trans people. This is simply due to society’s reliance on the gender binary and the lack of understanding of nonbinary identities. 

On the con side, there’s cost and risk. What is the emotional cost required to receive the benefit? I.e. how much emotional labour will I have to do to get someone to the point where they understand my identity or at least understand how to be supportive and are consistently following through on that? This varies but is generally on the high end. Also included in cost is the emotional cost of being misgendered. In mine and my husband’s experience, being misgendered by someone you have come out to hurts a lot more than being misgendered by someone you haven’t come out to yet. And if it’s going to be a struggle for people to understand my identity and gender me correctly, I am likely to get misgendered more often than correctly gendered. So this definitely puts the cost at the high end. 

I think of risk as what I might lose by coming out. Is there a risk to my physical wellbeing either due to safety or stability (job, housing, etc) by coming out? In my case, I have a lot of privilege and support in this area and have very low risk to my safety and security. 

So if the need and benefit of coming out are both low and the cost is high, why have I come out to anyone? Well, certain things can shift this equation in favour of coming out. As I said, the need goes up when I’m having a particularly difficult day, a longer period of more intense dysphoria, or experience a triggering situation. The cost can also go down significantly if I am talking to someone who is queer, someone who openly expresses awareness of trans issues or, even better, nonbinary identities and pronouns, or if I am in a position of power in relation to the person or people I am coming out to. 

The longer I have identified as nonbinary and the more times I’ve come out to people, the better I get at recognizing these low cost situations and capitalizing on them or the higher need situations and making sure I get the support I need without traumatizing myself further by having a high cost conversation with someone just based on proximity. 


So what are some of the things you should think about when you’re deciding to come out to someone?

The first thing should be safety. This includes both emotional and physical safety. What views has the person expressed? How much risk is there to your wellbeing if the conversation isn’t received well? Coming out is always a scary process. I don’t think I have ever come out as nonbinary to someone without at least a small amount of fear. So it definitely can be a challenge to figure out if this fear is your natural anxiety about doing something big or if there is a legitimate risk to your safety. Take precautions, have a back up plan in case it doesn’t go well, find outside sources of support and stability as much as possible, and trust your gut. 

The next thing to do is figure out what your expectations are. What outcome are you expecting from this particular coming out conversation? How much might you lose? How hard to you think the conversation (or conversations) will be? This will help you figure out if it’s worth the cost. 

And lastly, consider the context. Who are you coming out to? If they are someone that is very close to you and has a high impact on your safety and stability, the emotional cost and risk will be higher, but also so will the need and benefit. Are they likely to talk to anyone else, either because they tend to spread news or because they will need to have someone to discuss it with in order to process? Are you ok with that or is this something you want to explicitly discuss during the conversation? Who else is around you at the time you are having this conversation? Are there others that might overhear who you don’t want to be coming out to, or who you would like to overhear so they know without you having to explicitly tell them? What medium are you using to come out? Up until now I have discussed it as though it is a face to face conversation but this doesn’t have to be the case. Both my husband and I have found a written format, usually via email, to be the easiest. But that only works for the planned, thought about in advance type of coming out conversations, not the ones where you capitalize on a low cost or high need situation. And lastly, consider your ability to care for yourself in that context. Will you have time alone soon after? Will you have access to your most effective self-care tools or support networks? How can you adjust the context so you do have access to those things?

This can seem like a lot of questions to ask yourself in a split second between someone calling you by a binary term and you deciding to correct them or not. But some of these questions will be more important to you than others. Some of them are make or break. Those are the ones you want to focus on. 


So let’s say the equation tips in favour of coming out. Coming out as nonbinary, or any queer identity for that matter, requires using language that is not necessarily understood in the same way or understood at all by the person you are coming out to. When we find labels that work for us, they help us understand ourselves and often help us connect with others who share our experiences. But when we are going to use them as a communication tool such as in the coming out process, we have to remember that words are used to represent abstract concepts and not everyone has the same understanding of those concepts as we do. 

There are lots of aspects of queer identity and culture that are not understood, or misunderstood, by mainstream culture. This is because the majority of exposure to queer culture is via the media which is notorious for picking stories that are sensational, that are the most shocking or the most palatable to the mainstream, and that are the most visible or common. This leaves many queer experiences misinterpreted or not represented at all. So when we use language that connects to concepts built by the media, it can take a lot of energy to counteract those concepts in order for the person we are trying to come out to to accurately understand our experience and identity. 

This knowledge gap can be very frustrating and can often take you by surprise. What do you mean you’ve never heard the term nonbinary? What do you mean you’ve never heard of anyone using they/them pronouns? When we have been so immersed in this world and information as we try to figure ourselves out, it can be a shock to realize how far behind everyone else is. 

When you are coming out, you can ignore this knowledge gap and expect people to look up the terms you used that they don’t understand (and even provide them resources) but what if they don’t even understand that it is important enough an issue that they need to do this work? If you can find a key person or two in each group of people you are coming out to (family, co-workers, friends) and spend the time and energy to bring them up to speed, they can hopefully then help bring others along or at least be a good example of how to refer to you. 

The first step to bringing someone up to speed is noticing when there is a knowledge gap and identifying how big it is. If they have looks of confusion or ask vague awkward questions like ‘So when did this start’ or ‘Why are you telling me all this’ or even ‘What, what do you mean, nonbinary,’ these are good indicators that they do not have the background knowledge required to understand what you are telling them. 

The next step is to connect the dots. I tend to use a working backwards approach. If they’re confused about nonbinary, I suggest that gender isn’t just male and female. If they relate my gender to my body, I talk about gender and sex being separate concepts. If they want to know my life history and make everything about gender or are looking for some kind of trigger, I talk about identity as an ever evolving thing that was there from the start even if I didn’t have the words to understand or express it. If they have a strong, especially negative, reaction to a label I use, I ask them what comes to mind when they hear that label. If it’s a new label to them, they might just not like the feeling of being confused. Or, they may have a bad or incorrect association with it from media representation that I would then have to correct or find a different label to use (which is why I like knowing a few different ones that work for me). From there, I work my way back up to the understanding of my identity that I wanted them to have in the first place. 

The last step is to leave them with a clear takeaway message. For me, this is usually a combination of ‘You don’t have to fully understand my identity in order to support me’ and ‘I would like you to avoid female gendered language and use these terms and they/them pronouns instead’ or whatever my expectations are for that individual or group. Check out the post on bridging the gap between mainstream and queer and trans culture for more tips and useful phrases.


Another aspect of coming out is often having to explain why you don’t feel like the gender you were assigned at birth. Typically this includes a description of the types of dysphoria you feel. Most cis people don’t know about the concept of dysphoria let alone understand what it feels like. So I find it helpful to relate it to something they might have experienced. Some of the phrases I’ve used include wearing an ill fitting piece of clothing that you can’t take off, having pins and needles that range from annoying to distracting to painful that you can’t do anything about, or not recognizing yourself when you look in the mirror. 

Even more important than explaining what dysphoria feels like is explaining what the impact is on you. For this, I describe how exhausting it can be to have part of your mental and emotional space taken up by the effort to ignore those sensations of pins and needles, or how it feels like being pinched every time you’re misgendered by someone who doesn’t know any better (someone you’re not out to) and punched when you’re misgendered by someone you are out to, or how you feel like the parts of you that feel comfortable are invisible and the parts everyone can see are the ones that feel wrong. 

I hope you find these phrases helpful in your coming out process. 


If you are someone who uses they/them or neopronouns and will be asking people you come out to to adopt these pronouns, these conversations are all about shifting the other person’s mental image of you. This takes practice and most people have never had to do this until someone they know comes out as trans. So naturally, the more clarity you can give them on who you are, why your old identity doesn’t fit, and why the identity you are telling them about feels authentic and important to you, the easier time they will have in adopting the pronouns and name you are asking them to use. Take a listen to Season 2 Episode 4 for more ideas on names, pronouns, and other gendered language. 


If you are someone who has a fluid gender identity, coming out often requires an explanation of your total gender experience and a shorter version of how you feel in the moment and how you want to be referred to that you would repeat at each interaction or when your gender has shifted. I’ll talk more about this in Episode 6. 


As you will have noticed from what I’ve talked about so far, and likely experienced yourself, coming out involves a lot of educating others. Often, especially at the beginning of this process (that goes on for the rest of our lives), we engage in conversations that are more exhausting than they are worth or reveal more personal information than was necessary for that individual or situation. In short, we cross our personal boundaries before we realize. 

People will ask invasive and inappropriate questions without knowing that’s what they’re doing. And sometimes, you will answer them without realizing that you don’t owe them that information. This can make you feel exposed, defensive, or antagonistic either in response to the question or at the next encounter with this person. This has definitely happened to me and is never a good place to be. The other person may be surprised when your demeanor suddenly changes or may become antagonistic themself. The relationship that you valued enough to want to come out can become a source of pain or even a safety risk. 

So how do you figure out where your boundaries are before you or someone else crosses them by accident? Here are a few questions you can ask yourself that might help. 

With regards to general information, are you comfortable…

  • Disclosing your birth name?
  • Explaining why you prefer the pronouns you use?
  • Talking about your experiences of dysphoria?
  • Talking about specific strategies you use to change your appearance  or presentation (binding, packing, tucking, padding, etc)?
  • Talking about how supportive your family, significant other, or other people in your life are?
  • Talking about what support groups you attend/are a part of?
  • Talking about wait times, difficulties finding a trans friendly family doctor, and other systemic barriers?

With regards to medical and legal information, are you comfortable…

  • Talking about medication you are on related to transitioning?
  • Talking about changes you are experiencing as a result of these medications?
  • Disclosing what surgeries/surgery you are interested in having/have had?
  • Talking about legal documentation changes?
  • Discussing transphobic policies and politics?

Answering yes or no to each of these questions is a good start. You may want to do this a few times based on who you are talking to or what context you are in. For example, you may answer differently if you are talking to a co-worker, a close family member, a trans person, or your medical doctor. 

So what if someone asks about one of those things that you aren’t comfortable disclosing that information but you don’t want to discourage them or shut down the conversation completely? Here are a few different options. 

Try explaining why that’s not something that is appropriate to ask or why this is not an appropriate context to ask it in. This response still provides education and helps them be better informed and a better ally and keeps a positive relationship and rapport between you but without crossing your personal boundaries. 

Have resources ready to recommend so they can look up general information on the topic they are asking about. Usually acquaintances, co-workers, or friends are asking you specifically because you are the first trans or nonbinary person they have been exposed to and you happen to be there when the question occurs to them. They don’t necessarily want to know your specific story even if that’s how they phrase the question.

Challenge them based on the phrasing of the question. If they ask ‘Are you having the surgery?’ you can respond ‘What surgery?’ If they can’t answer with a more specific informed question, they don’t deserve your personal response. 

Provide a general response instead of a personal one regardless of how they ask the question. For example ‘I’m not comfortable answering that for myself but from what I’ve heard from other trans people, some do [example A for these reasons] and some do [example B for these reasons]’. 

Remember, hindsight is 20/20. There will definitely be times when you disclose more than you meant to or realize later that there was no reason why you had to answer their question. This can lead to a lot of guilt and regret about not standing up for yourself or protecting your privacy when you had the right to. Try to be kind to yourself. We’ve all done that and all you can do is learn as much as you can from others about how to have the conversations in advance and explore where your boundaries are before they are crossed. 


Another aspect of coming out in terms of gender is how it impacts your sexuality. When my husband came out at trans one of the most common questions I got was whether that made me straight. I haven’t gotten nearly as many questions about my sexuality when I have come out as nonbinary but I also haven’t come out to nearly as many people. However, I definitely questioned my own sexuality and how to describe it to others when I came out to myself as nonbinary. Also consider that coming out to your partner may cause them to question their own sexuality (which they may or may not feel prepared to do). I’ll talk more about all these intersections of gender and sexual orientation in Episode 6 as well. 


One of the other posts on my blog I recommend checking out is called How to Be Respectful Towards a Trans Person. This is a resource written for cis people as a guideline of how to respond when someone in their life comes out to them as trans. It has different sections depending on the nature of the relationship to the trans person. You can read through this yourself to get a better understanding of how people should and should not respond to you when you come out or you can include it in your resources that you recommend or give to people when you come out.


Coming out is an intense, scary, repetitive, exhausting, but often rewarding experience. If you are struggling with this process and want to reach out, you can email me at Remember, you are not alone. 

That’s it for Episode 5 of Season 2 of Let’s Talk Gender.

The music for this podcast is by Jamie Price. You can find them at Must Be Tuesday or on iTunes.

Coming up in Episode 6 I will be talking about some of the more complex aspects of being nonbinary such as genderfluid identities, how physical and social aspects of gender can feel at odds with each other, and how nonbinary genders interact with sexual orientation.

Talk to you soon.


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Let’s Talk Gender S1E8: Legal Transition


We start by talking about Meaghan Ray’s thoughts on top surgery because we didn’t have time in the previous episode. Then we talk about Jake’s process of changing his legal name and gender marker, Meaghan Ray’s role as his partner through that process, and Meaghan Ray’s thoughts on potentially changing their name and gender marker in the future.

This is the last episode in this series which has focused on the various stages of transition as we have experienced them so far. We will be taking a break and will return with a new series in the future.


Meaghan Ray’s Thoughts on Top Surgery

  • Some NB people will get top surgery without testosterone, take testosterone but not have top surgery, or do both.
    • I have a harder time relating to the NBs that do both because I am genderfluid and have a significant female component to my gender
  • I don’t feel the need to wear a binder all the time
    • When I have top dysphoria it isn’t debilitating, just irritating
  • Having top surgery to have a flat chest doesn’t feel right for me at the moment but I would consider having a breast reduction
    • Enough that I wouldn’t need to wear a bra if I didn’t want to and could get the appearance of a flat chest fairly easily but could also wear a bra to have the appearance of breasts
  • Got lots of good info from a talk at the Trans Philly Wellness Conference on top surgery
    • To get a more NB look you can look at various factors separately to mix and match more female-typical and male-typical markers
      • Contour
      • Overhang
      • Nipple placement
      • Nipple size
      • Shape of scars
      • Placement of scars
    • If you know what look you want with relation to all these things you just have to find a surgeon who knows how to do it!

Jake’s Legal Transition

  • Jake started to live ‘full time’ in May 2017 which is when he also started HRT
  • Saw gender psychiatrist in July
    • Received generic form to certify that he is transitioning and said it would make sense to amend his sex on any ID
    • Also can be used to explain why he might look male when his ID still says female
    • This document counts as the ‘medical letter’ that was required to change provincial ID
      • No longer required!
  • Went into registries in August
    • Found out he had to get fingerprinting done to get his legal name change and needed to apply for a legal name change before
  • Got fingerprints done
  • Applied for legal name change in August
    • If he was born in Alberta, could have gotten birth certificate and marriage certificate done all at once but he wasn’t so the process was even more convoluted
    • Received certificate in the mail in October
    • Got a new driver’s license!
  • Had to apply for marriage certificate from Nova Scotia
    • Took two tries for them to get it right
  • Tried to submit for a new SIN card which eventually was returned saying that he needed to change his birth certificate first
  • Hardest part was birth certificate
    • New Brunswick hadn’t changed their laws yet – still required proof of ‘sex reassignment surgery’
    • Need an updated birth certificate to get updated passport
  • Was stuck in limbo with a drivers license that didn’t match his passport and a passport that didn’t match how he presented
    • Made it too unsafe for us to travel to the states and had to cancel a trip we had planned
  • Getting banking info was also convoluted and for some reason he still can’t order cheques without the wrong name coming up
  • His workplace wouldn’t update his name in their system until his SIN card had been changed (which required the birth certificate again)
  • Wrote a letter to an MLA in New Brunswick about how frustrated he was and how many problems this archaic law was causing (December 2017)
    • Heard back at the beginning of February that it was already in the works
    • They ended up emailing and calling him to tell him that the forms were up and how to apply
    • Was very lucky in his timing because if he had started any earlier he still would have waited for this law to change and would have spent even more time stuck with mismatched documents and old work ID
    • Finally got it back in March 2018
    • Allowed him to update his passport and SIN card which he received in May 2018 – one year after coming out
  • In the meantime, he had found a way around the issues at work
    • Concerns with payroll’s info not matching his banking info and a T4 being issued in the wrong name
    • Got in contact with an HR Diversity and Equity person who had all his work stuff changed over in two months (done in December 2017)
      • As random things kept coming up he would contact her again and she would fix it super quick
      • Had been out since May and had lots of co-workers wondering why they couldn’t find him in the system to send him an email and he kept having to tell them to look under the old name
        • Very long 8 months
  • Found several resources for recently married people with lists of documents you need to get changed once you change your name
    • Land title, mortgage documents, credit score, etc
    • Super helpful but often ran into problems where the forms or procedure for changing the document did not include either change of first name or change of gender marker
    • Felt like he had to tell his life story and out himself as trans in order to get the document changed (over and over)
  • Situations keep coming up
    • Recent election – two voter cards showed up, one under each name, tried to get it changed, just caused confusion
    • Now that he passes as male people are even more confused because they can’t compute that he ‘used to be a woman’
    • Still can’t order cheques at the bank – has given up on that one after going in person and calling on the phone many times
    • Had to contact the city because he was getting his old name coming up during a job application and in emails despite applying under his current name
      • Had a fast, positive response and got it fixed quickly
  • In general was he was burnt out and apprehensive from having to go back to the same places over and over, never knowing what response he would get, if he would get different info from the previous time
    • He was super strategic about which locations he went to and at what time of day because he knew it would take a while and didn’t want there to be a long line of other people behind him listening to him explain his life story
  • No overt transphobic experiences (hurray for Canada!)

Partner Experience During Legal Transition

  • Provided support and encouragement
  • Gave permission for him to take some time away from working through the long list
  • Would have gone with him as a buddy to all the various offices if our schedules allowed
    • Moral support
    • Safety
  • For parents: call ahead to medical offices to ensure they have the proper name and pronouns in their system before your kid arrives
    • Old information can keep popping up depending on when the last time was that you interacted with that particular medical office/hospital
  • Had to change Jake’s information on my benefits plan
    • The form had a list of reasons that did not include transition so I had to write it in
    • Did not have a space to indicate a change of gender marker
    • Had to call them multiple times to correct it as they returned various iterations

Meaghan Ray’s Plans for Legal Transition

  • Could change provincial documents to ‘Meaghan Ray’ and X
    • May do this some day but it’s a lot of work and not necessary for now
  • Could change national documents to ‘Meaghan Ray’ and X
    • Would be more dangerous to travel internationally to places that don’t recognize that as a gender marker
  • Potential incentive was to get it changed before having a kid because we can’t change parent’s names on your kid’s birth certificate
    • However, it’s only first and last names that appear on the birth certificate, no gender marker, and we can choose the parental labels that we use (mother, father, or parent for either or both of us)
  • So for now, the emotional cost of changing anything out-ways the benefit for me

This brings our series on transition to a close. We will be back sometime in the future with a new series and hopefully some guests! Stay tuned!


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Gay vs Trans

There are lots of ways that being gay and trans are similar but there are also a lot of differences. I have found that when I initially start talking about gender with someone new who has minimal queer literacy, they often get confused between sexuality and gender and conflate being trans with being gay.

Below are a lists of similarities and differences between being gay and being trans based on my experiences of being gay and non-binary and my husband’s experiences of being gay and trans. We both identified as gay first, and later discovered and expressed our non-cis gender identities.


  • Incorrectly assumed to be the default (cis or straight)
  • Living with confusion and feeling like you don’t fit in before you know why
  • Have to figure out your identity
  • Have to ‘come out of the closet’ ie tell other people
  • Dealing with fear of rejection, prejudice, loss of housing or work as a result of coming out
  • Excitement and comfort of finding people that have the same/similar identity/experiences as you
  • Culture, experiences, and history specific to queer community
  • Lots of different terminology, language, and labels
  • Different interaction with people in your community than people outside of it
  • Risk to physical and psychological safety by living authentically
  • Pride parades, pride month, pride flags and symbols
  • Being labeled by strangers (often incorrectly) based on how you look or who you’re with
  • Often become parents via alternative fertility methods, surrogacy, or adoption
  • Prejudice in health care and legal systems (significantly worse for trans identities but present for both)
  • Lack of appropriate/relevant sex education


  • Who you like vs who you are ie sexuality vs gender
  • Gender based experiences and identities are much less understood and accepted by the general public than sexuality based ones (though this wasn’t always the case and we hope to get to the same place with acceptance of gender identities)
    • Significant energy has to be put towards educating the people around you when you come out as trans that isn’t necessary when coming out as gay
  • Coming out as gay requires the other person to change how they refer to your partner (if you have one) whereas coming out as trans requires them to change how they refer to you (which takes a lot more work on their part)
  • Dysphoria with trans identities that doesn’t relate to gay identities
  • Possibility of medical intervention and changes to legal documents with transition
  • Difficulty accessing appropriate/competent medical care as a trans person when it wasn’t a problem as a gay person
  • Gay community is readily available and easy to find while trans community is much smaller and harder to find
  • Extreme shift in privilege with transition that is much less pronounced with coming out as gay
  • Most trans people pick a new name, gay people don’t

If you have anything you’d like to add to these lists, leave me a comment below!

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Let’s Talk Gender S1E2: Transition Timelines


Transitioning is a slow, often frustrating, ongoing process. It can roughly be broken down into four phases: personal, social, medical, and legal. We discuss the general timeline of each phase and how they overlapped for Jake’s transition from female to male. At the end, Meaghan Ray shares what their transition has included so far.


General Thoughts on Transitioning

  • Typical FTM trans narrative
    • Binary transition from one to the other
    • Medical system sees it as a treatment to change from one to the other
  • In reality, it’s a slow frustrating process
    • No sudden tipping point or specific end point
  • Non-binary transition is even more vague
    • Often have to fake a binary identity to get the medical care you need
    • Wide variety of social, medical, and legal changes
  • Generally made up of four stages
    • Personal transition: an exploration of your own identity
    • Social transition: the coming out process
    • Medical transition: any medical interventions that help ease dysphoria or increase gender euphoria (HRT, surgery, electrolysis, voice therapy)
    • Legal transition: changing name and gender marker on legal documents and with various institutions
  • Stages can overlap or blend into each other
  • Trans people do not need to go through all of these stages in order to transition or be considered trans.

Jake’s transition process:

Personal Transition

  • Longest stage
  • Began in 2015 until late 2016
  • Self-questioning, self-doubt, internal conflict
  • Talking to friends, looking things up on youtube
  • Found a therapist that was trans friendly that was familiar with the referral process
    • Referral to gender psychiatrist
  • Felt like the therapist and Meaghan Ray were much more convinced that it made sense and he would be going through with it than he was
  • Finally determined that he would be more comfortable living as a man
  • Personal exploration continues throughout transition
    • Getting used to body changes
    • Learning how to communicate your identity
    • Learning how to navigate new social status and changes in privilege

Social Transition

  • Came out to parents with a message of ‘I’ve been thinking about this, I’m exploring this’
  • Different approaches to coming out
    • Emails, letters, face to face
  • You realize how many people you have in your life
    • Very overwhelming and exhausting
  • Started with the people who would be most likely to be supportive
    • Didn’t always work out as planned but generally helped build support
  • We were hoping that some people we told would pass on the information to others but it never actually worked out
    • Ended up having to tell them ourselves
  • Reactions
    • Some people changed name and pronouns right away
    • Some people needed to be told multiple times and are still misgendering Jake (in late 2019)

Medical Transition

  • Lots of gatekeepers
  • Gender psychologist – referral to gender psychiatrist in summer 2016
  • Gender psychiatrist in summer 2017 on a cancellation
    • Referrals for endocrine and surgery consult
  • Family doctor who was willing to write prescriptions for HRT – started Testosterone in May 2017
    • Turned out to be an easy process once he built up the courage to ask the affirming doctor
  • Top surgery consult in fall 2017, didn’t feel good about the two year wait or the type of surgery offered
  • Had top surgery done at a private clinic (paying out of pocket) in April 2018
  • Hysterectomy in October 2018
  • Potential for bottom surgery in future – would require another visit to gender psychiatrist to get referrals to surgery and separate referral for funding
  • Got most of the information about who is allowed to make referrals, who is willing to make referrals, who is accepting referrals, and what the wait times are through the trans community
    • Connections to community are very important

Legal Transition

  • Different process in each province or local area
  • First item was a piece of paper stating that [previous legal name] is transitioning from F to M that officially explains why you don’t look like the picture on your ID
    • Important during the stage when you’re already on hormones and presenting differently but haven’t yet changed any ID
  • Name and gender marker change document that requires fingerprinting
    • Submitted in Aug 2017, received it in October 2017
  • Immediately got driver’s license changed
    • Felt safer in general but now had conflicting documentation with national documents
  • So many different documents that needed changing
    • SIN card
    • Banking information, loans, mortgages, credit score
    • Marriage certificate
    • School records, work ID, email addresses
  • National documents were the hardest
    • Birth certificate took the longest due to waiting for laws to change – finally done in summer 2018
  • Took over a year
    • No international travel
    • Lots of stress, confusion, frustration

Transition is never completely finished

  • Will always be people to come out to or correct, medical history to explain, and documents that pop up that don’t match

Meaghan Ray’s Process:

  • No medical or legal transition yet
  • Personal transition started with a genderqueer experience back in grade 10
    • Ignored it, put it away until Jake’s transition provided more language, strategies, and community to give myself space to explore it
  • Tracked my gender and explored it for a bit
  • Have just started coming out to friends and family and coworkers one at a time, very carefully
    • Limited understanding of what non-binary means so coming out requires a lot of educating
  • Will be an even longer, slower, more careful process than Jake’s
  • May be interested in some form of top surgery or legal gender marker or name change in the future


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Educating Others Without Compromising Your Boundaries

Sometimes those of us with experience and knowledge of trans related topics want to help educate those around us and sometimes we don’t. And that’s ok. You should never feel like you have to compromise your own mental health for the sake of addressing someone else’s ignorance. But how do you politely tell people to bugger off and educate themselves through other means? And when you are comfortable having some of those conversations, how do you know what you’re comfortable sharing and what you’re not? How do you make them aware of your boundaries without derailing the conversation or damaging your relationship with that person?

Throughout my husband’s transition and my own gender explorations I have had many different conversations with many different types of people about gender and trans related topics. Many times towards the beginning of this process I was already knee deep in a conversation before I realized that I was well past the line that this person shouldn’t have crossed. I am a very open person and I am often comfortable sharing much more personal information with others than most people are so I wasn’t personally uncomfortable with the content. What concerned me more, and often only in retrospect, was that the person I was talking to had no awareness of which questions were appropriate and which ones they should have asked special permission for (and respected my response if I said no). If you have people in your life that have a similar lack of understanding of what is appropriate to ask about or say, see my post How to Interact Respectfully with a Trans Person, or, better yet, send that person the link.

How far do you go before you recommend resources and leave the conversation? That is completely up to you. Everyone will have different boundaries relating to their privacy depending on the type of information, their relationship to the other person/people in the conversation, and the setting where the conversation is taking place. Boundaries are healthy. They are self-protective. The more experiences we have that are threatening, the more self-protective we are likely to become.

The problem comes when you don’t know where your own boundaries are until they have been crossed. This can make you vulnerable, defensive, antagonistic, and can even put your safety at risk. Often, the other person/people in the conversation don’t even know they have crossed a line. Your sudden change in manner can be a shock to them and even to yourself.

How do you avoid this? Think about your boundaries in advance. Below are some guiding questions to get you started. I recommend you add to it any time you get asked a question that triggers a warning bell in your head. Revisit this exercise every few months, when you are nearing a major transition related event, or when you’re going to be interacting with people you haven’t seen in a while (family gatherings). For each question, try to answer it for a variety of different people in your life – a co-worker, a friend, a parent, your doctor, another member of the trans community, etc.

General Info: Are you comfortable…

  • disclosing your birth name?
  • explaining why you prefer the pronouns you use?
  • talking about your experiences of dysphoria?
  • talking about specific strategies you use to change your appearance or presentation (binding, packing, tucking, padding, etc)?
  • talking about how supportive your family, significant other, or other people in your life are?
  • talking about what support groups you attend/are a part of?
  • talking about wait times, difficulties finding a trans friendly family doctor, and other systemic barriers?

Medical Info: Are you comfortable…

  • talking about medication you are on related to transitioning?
  • talking about changes you are experiencing as a result of those medications?
  • disclosing what surgeries/surgery you are interested in having/have had?

Legal Info: Are you comfortable…

  • talking about legal documentation changes?
  • discussing transphobic politics and policies?

This is by no means an exhaustive list of topics that might come up related to your own or your partner’s transition or gender identity. If your partner is the one who’s information you would be sharing, go through this list with them so they can tell you what they are comfortable with you sharing with people in your life. My husband is typically a fairly private person (at least compared to me), but often had much looser boundaries when it came to me sharing info with my coworkers or friends if they were people that he was unlikely to interact with.

Now that you know your boundaries, what do you do or say when someone asks something that you are not comfortable talking about? Try saying exactly that – “Sorry, that isn’t something I’m comfortable talking about with you.” Another phrase I use a lot (because there is rarely something I’m actually not comfortable talking about with someone) is “That is not actually something you should typically ask about a trans person.” They usually respond with “Oh, really? I had no idea.” You can also add phrases such as “Thank you for your concern” or “Thanks for trying to learn more about my experiences/trans issues” or “If you want to learn more about that I would recommend [appropriate resource].”

So whose responsibility is it to do the educating? I believe that no amount of reading on the internet can substitute for face to face conversation and personal anecdotes. But that doesn’t mean that it is always up to the minority to educate the majority. People from or connected to the trans community should not be responsible for providing all necessary information to everyone around them (especially medical professionals). That would be more than exhausting. But you will need to provide the people in your life with enough information to get them from unconsciously ignorant to consciously ignorant and explain how important it is that they educate themselves further. It will also help if you can provide them with specific resources that speak to you. They are much more likely to absorb the information they are getting from other sources if they are confident that it is relevant to your experience.

What other topics or questions would you add to the list? How do your boundaries change depending on your situation or the person you’re talking to? What phrases do you use to identify your boundaries to other people? Was there a situation where you shared something that you realized in retrospect had crossed your personal boundary? Tell me what happened in the comments below!

How to be Respectful Towards a Trans Person

Most of the people I talk to about my husband’s transition are open-minded and accepting but generally ignorant. They want to treat trans people respectfully but don’t know how. They want to learn more about my husband’s transition and my experience as his partner but don’t know how to ask the questions in a respectful way. So I thought I’d give you some suggestions or guidelines depending on your relationship with the trans person.


Use the correct name and pronouns by which I mean use the name and pronouns that they ask you to use regardless of how they present at the time. If they don’t specify their pronouns you can ask or use the pronouns that is your best guess based on their presentation until they correct you. If they use other gendered terms to identify themselves then you should reflect their language back to them and use the corresponding pronouns unless they have specified otherwise.

You should not be asking anything about their transition including the name they were born with, whether they’ve had surgery (especially don’t ask if they’ve had ‘the’ surgery), whether their family is supportive, how old they were when they realized they were trans, or how long they’ve been on hormones.

Phrases to Avoid:

  • Are you a guy or a girl?
  • You look so good! I never would have known you were trans.
  • I have so many questions!

Phrases to Use:

  • My pronouns are ___. What pronouns do you use?
  • …blah blah blah… [incorrect pronoun]… sorry…. [correct pronoun]…. blah blah….


If this is the level of your relationship, the trans person may have shared more about their transition process with you. This may include frustrations and struggles, medical components such as starting hormone therapy or having surgery, and legal components such as completing their official name change on various documents.

The most important thing you can do remains using the correct name and pronouns. Even better, correct the people around you if you hear them get it wrong. Not only will this help you and others adjust more quickly but it will also show the trans person they have your support and establish an expectation for everyone that it is not acceptable to misgender someone. Correcting people’s pronouns is exhausting for the trans person especially when they have to correct the same person repeatedly. To help you adjust, change their name in your phone/contact info and put their pronouns in brackets next to it. Each time you think of that person, repeat their name and pronouns in your head five times. Don’t worry about sounding awkward and hesitating if that’s what it takes to use the correct name and pronouns. If you make a mistake, apologize and move on. Don’t derail the conversation and make it all about the trans person and their pronouns every time someone makes a mistake.

It is a long process with lots of barriers and frustrations. Drawing attention to how long the process is taking makes it harder for the trans person to deal with. Transition is not a step by step process or a recipe that people follow and does not always have a specific end point. Everyone’s transition process is different. Not everyone will be transitioning to male or female (they may identify as non-binary). Not everyone will take hormones. Not everyone will have top surgery or bottom surgery but some people might. The length of time between parts of their transition vary wildly. It is not your place to ask about this unless the trans person offers the information first. If they confide in you, it is not acceptable to share that information with anyone else without their permission.

Do not compare your frustrations with changing your last name after getting married to the trans person’s experience with changing their first name and gender. Forms that have categories for getting married do not have options for first name and gender changes. People that process name change paperwork are familiar with the process of last name change with marriage status but not first name change with gender. Talking about your name change with marriage does not put you at risk for discrimination or having people question your identity the way it does for a trans person. This example applies to almost any aspect of transition including hormone replacement, surgery, or other types of coming out experiences.

Try not to treat the person any differently once they transition or once you learn about their status as a trans person. Do not try to educate the trans person on ‘how to be’ their new gender. Do not second guess the trans person’s identity, even if their presentation or interests are not stereotypical of their stated gender. They have second guessed their identity enough, long before you became aware that they were trans.

Phrases to Avoid:

  • Why does your ID still have your old name?
  • When are you getting the surgery?
  • And your spouse/S.O. is ok with this?
  • I can get your name right but I just need a little more time to get your pronouns, you understand right?
  • You’re still not done yet? You’ve been working on this for a while!
  • I knew you as [birth name] for so long, it’s going to take a while to adjust
  • What bathroom are you using?

Phrases to Use:

  • I want to learn more about your experience. Do you have any resources I could look at?
  • Is there anything I can do to help support you?
  • …blah blah blah… [incorrect pronoun]… sorry…. [correct pronoun]…. blah blah….


Everything from the previous section applies to you as well, especially the part about name and pronouns. In addition, you may be one of the first people the trans person is coming out to. Your support is the most important factor in helping the trans person get through their transition. Literally. The suicide rate for trans people is extremely high. The number one factor that prevents suicide among trans people is family support. So learn as much as you can about the transition process and let them know they have your support, even if you are struggling to accept or understand their new identity. Let them know that they should tell you if you do something or say something wrong or upsetting. Make sure you spend time with them doing things that you both enjoy that have nothing to do with their transition. It is a good way to stay in contact and get used to changes as they happen but not make everything about being trans.

If there are aspects of their transition that you are struggling with, let them know and tell them you are working on it. Find other people to talk to about it. Unless they have given you permission to tell other people, this will likely be a therapist. If they know that you are struggling and need to talk to someone and you ask if you can tell a specific friend or one other family member, they may be open to it. Never tell someone that this person is trans without their permission. Once they start telling people, you may become a conduit for information for the rest of the family or group of friends. Talk to the trans person about how they want you to answer typical questions and how much information they are comfortable with you disclosing. This type of conversation will happen repeatedly as the group of people they have come out to grows.

Offer to go with them to medical appointments and other difficult tasks even if they seem trivial to you. It often takes a lot of courage to get those steps done and having backup definitely can help. If they ask you to, try to be willing to attend therapy or support group sessions with them.

Phrases to Avoid:

  • You’re not going to get surgery though, are you?
  • These changes are permanent! What if you change your mind?
  • You really should tell [specific person]. They deserve to know.
  • You don’t really need to get the surgery, since you’re married. If you were single it would be a different story.
  • You can come over for dinner, as long as you don’t talk about your transition.

Phrases to Use:

  • Would you like some company when you’re going to… (eg: HR, passport office, fingerprinting, registry for name change)?
  • I support you and your decision to transition but it will take me some time to adjust. Is there anyone you would be comfortable with me talking to about this so I can work through my own feelings faster and not put them on you?
  • Let me know when you are ready to start telling other people and I will help you with that in whatever way I can.
  • What can I do to affirm your identity? You have told me what not to do, but are things I can do that feel positive for you?


If a patient enters your practice seeking treatment from you and you are either aware of their trans status or become aware of their trans status during the interaction, the first thing to do is confirm that you are using the correct name and pronouns and then stick to those. Make sure your patient database on your computer system reflects the correct name and pronouns. If you are unable to change them in your system for legal/billing reasons until the person has completed their legal name and gender marker change, find a way to indicate in your system what name and pronouns the patient uses so that all the staff in your clinic identify the patient correctly.

As a health professional it is your job to know what aspects of the patient’s status as a trans person are relevant to your medical field and which are not. Learn how to ask questions about the relevant areas in a respectful, straightforward way that makes it clear why it is relevant.

You should not be asking any questions related to any aspect of their transition or experience as a trans person that is not relevant to your area of practice. If you want to learn more you can ask the patient for resources they would recommend, but, better than that, you can do your own research just like you are expected to do when a patient has a history of a medical condition you are not familiar with. It cannot always be up to the patient to educate the professionals. It is not only exhausting for the patient but unprofessional.

Keep in mind that trans people will have had many unpleasant, inappropriate, transphobic experiences with other health professionals before you. They are coming into this interaction with their walls up expecting a negative experience. It only takes one misstep to confirm their expectations that this interaction will be like all the rest. If you realize you have made a misstep, apologize for it taking full responsibility and move on. Stay focused on why they are there to see you and only what is relevant to that condition/concern/complaint.

Phrases to Avoid:

  • Oh! You’re trans? That’s so interesting! I’d love to talk to you more about that.
  • Have you had the surgery?
  • When will your transition be complete?
  • Anything irrelevant to your profession or the reason they are there.

Phrases to Use:

  • I admit I have very little experience with trans patients so if I say something inappropriate please tell me right away or if you think there is something relevant that I haven’t asked about, please feel free to mention it if you feel comfortable doing so.
  • I’ve been trying to find information on trans people’s experiences with this condition. Are there any resources you would recommend?
  • I understand from your history that you are trans. Have we been using the correct name and pronouns for you? If yes, let us know anytime if that changes. If no, what name and pronouns would you prefer?

I hope this information helps you feel more confident that you will be able to treat trans people in a way that conveys your respect for them. Did you find any of this surprising? If there are areas you want to know more about, take a look at the Resources Page or search for other similar posts under the Partner tab.

If you are trans and reading this, what other suggestions do you have? What is your reaction when someone uses one of the phrases that I recommend people avoid?

Dealing with Frustration


It feels like frustration has become my default setting. Frustration is a result of having a goal but having minimal progress towards that goal. It’s a feeling of stagnation, of constantly coming up against immovable barriers and being powerless to make a difference. The more important the goal is to you or the bigger the effect that the goal will have on your life, the more urgently you want it and the less you can tolerate stagnation without becoming overwhelmed frustration.

During various stages in my husband’s transition we had to wait for medical and legal systems to change, creep up a waitlist, wait for the physical changes to happen that come with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy, in Jake’s case, testosterone), or wait for people to start using the correct name and pronouns. For myself, I find that the more dysphoria I feel, the less resilient to life’s stressors I am. I am less patient and more easily frustrated, especially when gender related topics or situations come up.

I have developed a number of strategies for dealing with or minimizing frustration that I thought I’d share with you. I have a couple general strategies, a couple for dealing with the waiting and frustrations associated with transitioning, and a couple for minimizing the increase in frustration due to dysphoria. I hope you find them useful.


Get Enough Sleep

When I haven’t been getting enough sleep I am tired, cranky, and my brain hasn’t had enough time to recover from one day’s stress so it bleeds into the next day. I have to drink more caffeine to get through my day which makes me jittery. These effects are strongest when I haven’t had enough sleep, but are also present if I didn’t sleep at the right time (went to bed late and slept in), even if I slept for 8+ hours.

Suggestion: try tracking your sleep patterns and your mood, frustration level, energy level, or whatever symptoms you experience personally. Try planning your sleep as a part of your day just like you would with other important tasks.


Frustration is a stagnant feeling. It is a holding of tension that has nowhere to go. For me, exercise helps. It gives me a feeling of getting that tension or energy moving and expelling it in a functional way. Some people accomplish the same thing by cleaning. I have found a base level of cardio exercise per week helps decrease the day to day frustration level and doing a harder weights workout helps if there is something specific that triggered a build up of frustration. I feel like martial arts or boxing would also serve the same purpose though I haven’t tried these personally.

Suggestion: try building exercise into your weekly plan if it isn’t already. Start at a level that feels ridiculously easy to accomplish and only increase the goal when you’ve been able to accomplish it three weeks in a row. Increase it by no more than 10% at a time. Try different types of exercise and note their effects on your mental and emotional state. When you have an increase in frustration, fatigue, anxiety, or whatever it is that you experience, schedule in the type of exercise that helps you manage that symptom the most. See my post At the Gym for my own exploration of exercise and dysphoria.


Get Involved

If you have the energy and time to do so, getting involved in changing the systems that are in your way can give a sense of purpose to your struggle and decrease the frustration. However, burning yourself out with advocacy will not help deal with frustration so be careful not to overextend. Advocacy doesn’t have to mean petitions or lobbying the government. It can mean volunteering at your local LGBT center, offering to do a presentation or review the policies at your workplace, or writing a blog.

Find a Project to Work On

Frustration is a result of a feeling of stagnation. You want to be seeing progress on something but you aren’t so you feel frustrated. It is a build up of tension and has nowhere to go. So find something else to focus on that you enjoy that will give you a sense of progress. Projects that involve learning new skills, are creative in nature, result in a shareable product or provide a helpful service for others, and can be broken down into small steps (frequently accomplishing milestones gives the best sense of progress). I find creative projects the most beneficial. You can pour your frustration onto the page, into a drawing or painting, or into a piece of music.


Authentic Experiences

Seek out or create opportunities where you can be yourself and feel comfortable. Hang out with people that you are ‘out’ to. Spend time with people that have similar experiences or identities to you. Engage in activities that don’t trigger dysphoria or relate to your gender at all (gender non-specific activities). You read more about my own search for authentic experiences here: Finding Sources of Support and Experimenting with My Name and Pronouns.

Optimize Management of Dysphoria

Explore the specific sources of your dysphoria and develop as many strategies strategies for decreasing or managing your dysphoria as you can. For me, this process involved three stages: explore my identity, track and identify sources of dysphoria, and trial variations in gender expression to develop management strategies. Dara Hoffman-Fox’s book You and Your Gender Identity: A guide to discovery walks you through this process in a methodical process that I found very helpful. I have written about my experiences with this process in My Initial Gender Exploration Process, My Experiences with Gender Dysphoria and Euphoria, My Physical vs. Social Sense of Gender. I hope those posts will help you with this strategy.

Do you experience frustration the way I do or for similar reasons? How do you deal with frustration? Have you used similar strategies to the ones I describe above? Do you have other strategies that I didn’t mention that have worked for you? Leave a comment below! Your strategies may work better than mine do for someone else!