Let’s Talk Gender S1E3: Personal Transition: Gender Exploration


The first stage of transition is the personal exploration of your gender. We discuss what the process of exploring your gender feels like, how each of us figured it out in different ways, and what it’s like to be the partner of someone going through the gender exploration process.

Sorry for the variable sound quality. We are still trying out different set ups to find something that works for us.


  • Exposure to a concept or identity that resonated with us
    • Looking up other people’s experiences on YouTube
    • Being fascinated by people’s experiences without knowing why until later
  • Finding language to express ourselves and define our identities
    • Other people’s labels don’t necessary feel right for you
    • The labels that feel right shift throughout the exploration process
    • The trans label comes with a lot of weight
    • Takes a while to find your own meanings for labels that fit
  • Exploration is often driven by the feeling of not fitting with the gender you were assigned at birth and how people relate to you as a result (dysphoria)
    • Trying to minimize it guides us in a direction towards our actual gender
    • Often have been experiencing dysphoria for a while but didn’t know what it was called and once we have the word for it it feels huge and way more painful than it did before
    • Physical dysphoria, social dysphoria, mental dysphoria
    • Fairly easy to tell what you are dyphoric about
  • Sometimes we encounter gender euphoria and exploration is driven by finding that experience again
    • Trying on different clothes when playing dress-up or secretly raiding a family member’s closet

Jake’s Experience

  • Minimal physical dysphoria, mostly social dysphoria
  • Voice causing people to gender him as female
  • Explorations
    • Cutting hair short
    • Wearing a binder
    • Trying a packer
    • More masculine style
  • Very nervous that people would notice immediately
  • Very scared of what the implications were of this feeling good, progressed very slowly
  • Looking for a new name
    • Flipping through baby books
    • Making a short list
    • Ordering different things online with a different name each time
    • Kept coming back to Jake and eventually it stuck
  • Eventually decided that he definitely did not feel comfortable being female
    • Even if he didn’t do any medical transition, he still felt more male than anything else
  • Exploration doesn’t end
    • Now that he is more comfortable in his maleness he is exploring some of the female things that he would never have done before
      • Longer hair
      • Nail polish
      • Earings back in

Meaghan Ray’s Experience

  • Exploration was a lot easier because they already new their identity but needed strategies to manage dysphoria, especially at work
    • Similar strategies as Jake
  • Had a very clear gender related experience in Grade 10 where they were a boy named Ray for a few days, then back to Meaghan, then back to Ray
    • Kept up for 2-3 months
    • Was very confusing and frustrating and destabilizing
    • Ended up making a list of personality traits for Meaghan and a list of personality traits for Ray, drew lines between the ones that matched, and from then on lived as that person
    • Buried the whole experience very deep until Jake started talking about gender and they found language and space to explore it in a positive way
  • Needed something more concrete to follow for exploration than Jake
    • You and Your Gender Identity: A Guide to Discovery by Dara Hoffman-Fox
    • Created a gender tracker to see how much their gender fluctuated between male and female for both physical and social sense of gender
    • Learned that their period affects their gender and that their physical and social sense of gender can shift separately which they will use different strategies to manage
  • Trying on a dress privately
    • Thought it would feel wrong but it felt like a non-binary person wearing a dress
    • It did not erase their sense of identity which was encouraging
  • At the end of exploration, they now have many more strategies that help and a much better understanding of who they are and how to express it to people

Partner Experience

  • Seeing Jake with a flat chest in a binder helped change Meaghan Ray’s mental image of him
  • If the partner is cis it can be very difficult to understand what’s happening
    • Some trans people are not willing to include the partner in their exploration process and just show up as their new self which is very threatening and sudden for the partner
    • Instead, Jake included Meaghan Ray in the process and they helped look stuff up, break things down into smaller steps so it was less scary, tested things out during a camping trip, provide encouragement and support
  • Your experience is your own
  • Need to find your own sources of support as a partner
  • Don’t know how to talk about it yet because everyone is still just figuring it out
  • The more open we are with each other the easier it is to keep our relationship strong
  • We happen to both be AFAB and heading in the male direction
    • Some strategies worked very well for both of us
    • Some things worked very differently for each of us
    • Some things worked for one of us but not at all for the other


  • FTM
    • YouTube Channels: Chase Ross at uppercasechase1, Ty Turner, Jammiedodger
    • Books: This One Looks Like a Boy
  • NB
    • Podcasts: Gender Rebels, They/Them/Theirs
    • YouTube Channels: Ashley Wilde, Ash Hardell
    • Instagram hashtags to create a community for yourself


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Prioritizing Together Time

Whether you are in a relationship or have a close friend or family member that you rely on for support, prioritizing time with them is especially important if you are questioning your gender or transitioning.

Any exploration or change in our gender identity and presentation is a big change that very much affects the people around us. Close relationships only remain close if we keep communicating to understand how each person is changing and growing so we can support or adjust as needed.

From my experience during my husband’s transition and my own gender exploration, I discovered there are a few different types of quality time that serve different purposes. We were not always good at using out together time to the best advantage but we definitely got better at it over time out of necessity. Hopefully, by sharing our experience, I can help you skip the muddling through process and keep your relationships strong right from the start.


Setting aside time to share how each of you is doing or discuss new thoughts and emotions is the most important. These conversations can take a lot of energy but they are the core of what will maintain your mutual understanding and support.

These conversations can be intense, draining, and difficult. Here are some ideas you can try that might make them easier:

  • Schedule a regular check-in time that includes self care strategies before and/or after (journaling, exercise, creative expression, time in nature, etc).
  • Have these talks in a safe and isolated environment such as the bedroom (ie pillow talk), the car, or when you’re out for a walk together.
  • Write down some notes in advance if you get easily emotionally overwhelmed and have difficulty expressing yourself or staying present in the conversation.
  • Request a conversation to give the other person some warning. If this is helpful but also makes them anxious with wondering what it’s about, you can use a shorthand to define the parameters – Is it a you thing, me thing, or us thing? What is the general topic? Is it a big thing, a medium thing, or a small thing?
  • Try NOT to think of these conversations as a one-off for any topic. It’s important that you have a chance to come back to anything you have discussed previously to delve deeper, clarify or adjust how you explained yourself or how you understood each other, or to have another opportunity to explore, express, or process the same emotions or situation.


Spending time doing something that you mutually enjoy is also really important. This is a way to take a break from the gender based conversations and maintain your bond based on previous activities. You can choose activities that are not inherently gender based or dysphoria inducing or agree to not discuss gender based topics during the course of a particular activity or day.

These activities may need to be adjusted somewhat if they trigger dysphoria. Be self-aware and honest about this. Sacrificing your well-being and hiding your discomfort defeats the purpose of doing something you both enjoy to strengthen the relationship. Finding new ways to enjoy the things you bonded over will initially take a bit of effort, communication, and time, but the pay-off is well worth it.


Maybe you are exploring your gender and need a sounding board, someone to go shopping with, or someone to be your safety buddy when trying out a new presentation in public for the first time. Maybe you have started hormones or are having surgery and your body and emotions are changing and your partner or close support person needs time to explore these changes with you so they can get used to them.

These moments of exploration can happen spontaneously or be part of a planned activity. They are particularly important for intimate relationships but are also helpful for other close relationships.

Some examples of this are when I would feel my husband’s facial hair as it grew in or ran my hands down his chest when he was wearing a binder or post top surgery to get used to the change, or when we took a vacation trip where we explored different names and pronouns for him.

The exploration time is mutually beneficial. It can help the transitioning person be more confident in exploring something new or doing something scary. It can also be euphoric for the transitioning person and help them see their partner/support person being curious and making the effort to adjust. And of course, it includes the partner/support person in the transition process, helps them adjust their mental image of the transitioning person, and adjust to new changes.


Sometimes all you need is to be in the same space together. You can be doing completely different things and not talking to each other at all, but just feeling the other person’s presence can be a balm against the irritation, frustration, and exhaustion from interacting with the rest of the world and navigating transition.

Acknowledging each other’s presence in small ways helps strengthen the value of this time. Whether it’s staying within view, checking in with each other with a look, a touch, or a few words, or sharing some aspect of the space while you’re doing different things (ie listening to the same music or watching the same TV show), this helps turn two people doing separate activities into quality time.

I hope these descriptions of different types and purposes of together time help you be more purposeful and effective with maintaining strong relationships during transition or other big life changes.

If you have other suggestions for together time, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you.

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Let’s Talk Gender S1E2: Transition Timelines


Transitioning is a slow, often frustrating, ongoing process. It can roughly be broken down into four phases: personal, social, medical, and legal. We discuss the general timeline of each phase and how they overlapped for Jake’s transition from female to male. At the end, Meaghan Ray shares what their transition has included so far.


General Thoughts on Transitioning

  • Typical FTM trans narrative
    • Binary transition from one to the other
    • Medical system sees it as a treatment to change from one to the other
  • In reality, it’s a slow frustrating process
    • No sudden tipping point or specific end point
  • Non-binary transition is even more vague
    • Often have to fake a binary identity to get the medical care you need
    • Wide variety of social, medical, and legal changes
  • Generally made up of four stages
    • Personal transition: an exploration of your own identity
    • Social transition: the coming out process
    • Medical transition: any medical interventions that help ease dysphoria or increase gender euphoria (HRT, surgery, electrolysis, voice therapy)
    • Legal transition: changing name and gender marker on legal documents and with various institutions
  • Stages can overlap or blend into each other
  • Trans people do not need to go through all of these stages in order to transition or be considered trans.

Jake’s transition process:

Personal Transition

  • Longest stage
  • Began in 2015 until late 2016
  • Self-questioning, self-doubt, internal conflict
  • Talking to friends, looking things up on youtube
  • Found a therapist that was trans friendly that was familiar with the referral process
    • Referral to gender psychiatrist
  • Felt like the therapist and Meaghan Ray were much more convinced that it made sense and he would be going through with it than he was
  • Finally determined that he would be more comfortable living as a man
  • Personal exploration continues throughout transition
    • Getting used to body changes
    • Learning how to communicate your identity
    • Learning how to navigate new social status and changes in privilege

Social Transition

  • Came out to parents with a message of ‘I’ve been thinking about this, I’m exploring this’
  • Different approaches to coming out
    • Emails, letters, face to face
  • You realize how many people you have in your life
    • Very overwhelming and exhausting
  • Started with the people who would be most likely to be supportive
    • Didn’t always work out as planned but generally helped build support
  • We were hoping that some people we told would pass on the information to others but it never actually worked out
    • Ended up having to tell them ourselves
  • Reactions
    • Some people changed name and pronouns right away
    • Some people needed to be told multiple times and are still misgendering Jake (in late 2019)

Medical Transition

  • Lots of gatekeepers
  • Gender psychologist – referral to gender psychiatrist in summer 2016
  • Gender psychiatrist in summer 2017 on a cancellation
    • Referrals for endocrine and surgery consult
  • Family doctor who was willing to write prescriptions for HRT – started Testosterone in May 2017
    • Turned out to be an easy process once he built up the courage to ask the affirming doctor
  • Top surgery consult in fall 2017, didn’t feel good about the two year wait or the type of surgery offered
  • Had top surgery done at a private clinic (paying out of pocket) in April 2018
  • Hysterectomy in October 2018
  • Potential for bottom surgery in future – would require another visit to gender psychiatrist to get referrals to surgery and separate referral for funding
  • Got most of the information about who is allowed to make referrals, who is willing to make referrals, who is accepting referrals, and what the wait times are through the trans community
    • Connections to community are very important

Legal Transition

  • Different process in each province or local area
  • First item was a piece of paper stating that [previous legal name] is transitioning from F to M that officially explains why you don’t look like the picture on your ID
    • Important during the stage when you’re already on hormones and presenting differently but haven’t yet changed any ID
  • Name and gender marker change document that requires fingerprinting
    • Submitted in Aug 2017, received it in October 2017
  • Immediately got driver’s license changed
    • Felt safer in general but now had conflicting documentation with national documents
  • So many different documents that needed changing
    • SIN card
    • Banking information, loans, mortgages, credit score
    • Marriage certificate
    • School records, work ID, email addresses
  • National documents were the hardest
    • Birth certificate took the longest due to waiting for laws to change – finally done in summer 2018
  • Took over a year
    • No international travel
    • Lots of stress, confusion, frustration

Transition is never completely finished

  • Will always be people to come out to or correct, medical history to explain, and documents that pop up that don’t match

Meaghan Ray’s Process:

  • No medical or legal transition yet
  • Personal transition started with a genderqueer experience back in grade 10
    • Ignored it, put it away until Jake’s transition provided more language, strategies, and community to give myself space to explore it
  • Tracked my gender and explored it for a bit
  • Have just started coming out to friends and family and coworkers one at a time, very carefully
    • Limited understanding of what non-binary means so coming out requires a lot of educating
  • Will be an even longer, slower, more careful process than Jake’s
  • May be interested in some form of top surgery or legal gender marker or name change in the future


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New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year!

Though not specifically gender related, I thought I’d talk about my current goal setting process. This is something that has helped me maintain a sense of progress and control which is especially important during unpredictable fluctuations in my gender, frustrating stages of transition, or other stressful life events.

Step 1: WHAT is your goal?

During the second half of December and first half of January, I think about the different areas of my life that I want to set goals for. Mine are typically health, creative projects, and housework. I pick 1-3 goals per category but no more than five total. For example, last year in the health category I had a weight goal and a cardio goal. This year I have a general fitness goal.

Goals should always be something that is important to you, not something you think you should do. They should be something you can easily state in a few words and something that you will feel motivated to work on for a whole year. If there is something you are working towards that will be completed halfway through the year (a competition or event), think about what you might want to work on for the rest of the year once that is done (whether or not you achieve the result you wanted).

Step 2: WHY is the goal important?

For each of your goals, write down as many reasons you can think of as to why this goal is important to you. How will it enrich your life? Will it improve your mood, help you connect with someone, decrease your stress, give you a sense of purpose, help you achieve an even larger goal, decrease dysphoria, build community, or increase your energy level?

Take some time with this step. Be holistic. I usually have 3-5 per goal. The things you write in this section will keep you motivated to achieve your goal when it gets hard or get back on track if you get derailed.

Step 3: HOW will you achieve your goal?

This is where you come up with strategies to achieve your goal. Trying to achieve a goal through sheer willpower is ineffective and exhausting. When forming a new habit or trying to make steady progress towards a goal, there are internal and external factors that will make it harder. This is called friction. For example, not having your exercise clothes with you when you could go to the gym or having snack food around that you constantly have to resist in order to eat healthier.

The strategies you are looking for are ones that decrease the friction for you and make the goal easier and as automatic as possible to achieve. These should be as concrete and personalized as possible. They might take some trial and error to figure out but don’t take too long to settle into a routine.

One habit forming hack is to connect the new behaviour to something you’re already doing. If you have an established morning routine and you want to meditate ten minutes a day, get up ten minutes earlier and fit it into your morning routine. If you have a weekly planning routine, plan out which days you are going to exercise instead of leaving it to chance.

Another good strategy is accountability. Find a buddy to exercise with. Find a friend with a similar goal and set up a regular time to meet up and review both of your progress and help each other solve roadblocks. If you’re even more brave, you can post your goals on social media with regular updates.

And lastly, rewards. If you respond well to rewards, include these in your strategies. Try to find rewards that won’t make another goal harder to achieve – for example, rewarding yourself for completing ten workouts by going out for dinner when you’re trying to decrease spending or change your eating habits. The best rewards are ones that support the same goal – rewarding yourself for a fitness goal by getting new workout equipment, new workout clothes, or new headphones (again, not a good plan if you’re trying to decrease spending but you get the idea). Another option for rewards is to have someone else decide on rewards for you which they will provide when you achieve a milestone (adds some anticipation, randomization, and excitement). This is a nice combination of the rewards and accountability strategies.

Step 4: WHEN is your goal complete?

How will you know when you have achieved your goal? This is the stage where you decide how you will measure your progress and end point. Every goal is measurable, you just have to figure out how. Different types of goals can be measured in different ways.

A specific process or habit based goal can be measured by doing the habit a certain number of times per week. If you multiply this by 52 weeks in the year, you will get your goal for the whole year. Or you can keep it as a weekly target and measure it by how many weeks of the year you met the target. This also works for daily or monthly goals.

A more general process or habit based goal that doesn’t have a weekly target can be measured in percentages. You might have to set up a tracking system for various parts of the goal to do this. The one that I do this with is my housekeeping schedule. My goal is to ‘maintain a clean house’. Doesn’t seem measurable, right? I set up a cleaning schedule that includes some weekly tasks, some monthly tasks, and some seasonal tasks. I have a grid of 52 weeks for each weekly task, a grid of 12 for each monthly task, and so on. I colour in the corresponding square when I complete the task. I then calculate how many I completed out of how many I was expected to complete and multiply by 100 to get a percentage. In the ‘when’ section for this goal, I have determined three targets for weekly tasks and three for monthly tasks – a minimum, good, and awesome percentage as a benchmark.

For an outcome based goal you will likely already have a measurable end point in mind – finish a project, run a marathon, achieve a certain weight. The difficulty with these is that the target is so far away that it’s hard to tell if you’re making any progress. So you’ll have to break it down into smaller pieces. Set as many measurable milestones as makes sense for your goal. Attach a timeline to each of these milestones so that you know if you’re still on track to reach the outcome.


How often will you revisit your goals and review your progress? Waiting until the end of the year doesn’t give you the opportunity to adjust your effort, strategies, measurement, or expectations. For some goals I have a weekly tracker or a monthly tracker built in but I will be reviewing all my goals and assessing my progress quarterly. This is a nice frequency because it roughly matches up with the seasonal changes and isn’t too far apart to forget why it’s important or get too far off track if my strategies aren’t working.

You know that burst of motivation that you get at the beginning of the year when everyone is talking about goals? Revisiting your goals and assessing your progress a few times a year gives you another smaller burst of the same motivation.

What are your goal setting and planning strategies? Leave a comment below if you have something different that works for you! I’m always looking for new ways to set, maintain motivation, and achieve my goals.

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Let’s Talk Gender S1E1: Language and Labels


Language and labels are used to communicate our identities to others but for trans people, the first step of this process is finding language and labels to understand and define our own identities.

There is a ton of language that is specific to the trans community and trans experiences and identities. As the partner of a trans person, finding this language can be helpful but also overwhelming.

The social context and definitions of labels change over time. Labels should be tools for self-definition, not boxes that we force people in to. Having a variety of labels can help you communicate your identity in a variety of contexts and still feel authentic.

Our identities change over the course of our lives and we need to give ourselves permission to re-evaluate our labels and explore new labels as needed.

To listen to the full podcast episode, scroll down to the bottom of the page for the audio player or search for Let’s Talk Gender and subscribe in your favourite podcast app.



  • Finding language to understand your own identity
    • Talking to people from the queer community
    • Looking things up online, YouTube
  • Having a lack of language makes it very difficult to understand your own identity
  • Feeling overwhelmed as a partner with all the new language and information
    • Often feel one step behind the trans person
    • Find your own resources and look up your own language and then ask the trans person if this matches their experience
  • Finding new language to refer to yourself and your body to make yourself more comfortable
  • The internal tension of referring to someone incorrectly to protect their identity/for their own safety
  • So much gendered language that we have to change beyond just pronouns when someone transitions
  • Communicating our identities to others requires bridging the gap between our understanding of language and terms and theirs
    • Can go along with the terms/narrative that others understand to achieve the goal of the conversation
    • Often takes a lot of energy to correct their use of language and explain the nuances
    • Very difficult to explain non-binary experience or request neutral terminology and pronouns (hopefully this will get better in the future)


  • Generational gap
    • Labels seen as negative from when they were used as slurs
    • Too much language, that it’s evolving too fast
    • Reclaimed language used in a positive way by younger people but still viewed as negative by older people
  • Labels being put on you can feel negative
    • It tells you how they are seeing you but doesn’t change who you are
  • Labels are terms for self-definition
    • Allow communication of your identity
    • Helps you find community
    • Helps you connect with people who have similar experiences
  • The more labels you have that you are comfortable with that have different connotations or definitions the more flexible you can be
    • Specificity vs generality
    • Widely understood vs newer or less well known terms
  • The interconnection of labels for sexuality and gender can make some labels easier to use than others
  • Feeling like you have to justify the labels you use can be frustrating and make you feel defensive
  • The labels we use
    • Trans, non-binary, co-gender
    • Queer, gay, neutrosexual, pansexual
    • Trans vs transgender vs transexual
  • Not everyone feels the need to have lots of labels or any at all and instead, prefer the more general terms
  • Our identities evolve over the course of our lives and we need to give ourselves permission to re-evaluate our labels and explore new labels as needed


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