They/Them Pronouns

Pleural vs Singular, General vs Specific

They/them pronouns are typically seen as a plural pronoun because that is how we use it consciously. But unconsciously, we use it all the time when referring to a single person who’s gender is unknown. In this case, it is an umbrella term that is a stand in for the appropriate pronouns instead of saying he/she all the time. However, some people who don’t identify strictly as male or female may prefer they/them pronouns. In this case, it is a specific identifier, just like he and she.

If it is confusing for you to think of the same word having both a specific meaning and be an umbrella term, think of how we use the word Kleenex. Kleenex is a specific brand of facial tissue but most of the time, when we ask for a Kleenex, we are asking for whatever facial tissue is available.

It is the same with they/them pronouns. Most of the time, neutral pronouns are used as a stand-in or umbrella term to indicate a person regardless of their gender. But, occasionally, and this will be happening more and more, we are using it to identify a specific non-binary person. And having both uses for the same word is ok.

Sticking Points

When we use they/them as an umbrella term it is still the assumption that the person’s gender will be clarified to either be male or female. I’m hoping this will change as non-binary visibility and acceptance improves. If, in fact, their gender gets clarified to indeed be non-binary, it just means that you’ve been gendering them correctly the whole time and don’t need to change your pronoun usage, though the meaning will shift from an umbrella term to a specific pronoun.

If this dual meaning and the shift in meaning isn’t apparent to some people, they can be left with a sense of unfamiliarity when using they/them pronouns, as though they are using an umbrella term to refer to a specific person. They feel vaguely like they are waiting for more information about the person in order to clarify their gender, or that people who use they/them pronouns must have a vague gender identity.

Indeed, non-binary is an umbrella term as well. People of many different types of gender identities may choose to use they/them pronouns. But this doesn’t mean that their own sense of their gender is vague (see my post on How I Conceptualize Non-Binary Genders). They may choose to use non-binary as a label for ease of communication but have other labels that are more representative (for example, see The Labels I Use and Why for my personal explanation of this).

Some people feel like singular they pronouns are difficult to use or don’t feel right because they feel like they are calling a single person a plural pronoun. Again, this is just a misunderstanding of how we use they/them pronouns in everyday language. They are recognizing the conscious plural use but not realizing that they unconsciously use it in the singular form all the time. In my experience this just takes practice. Once you’ve heard people being referred to by neutral pronouns it makes sense.

How to Learn to Use They/Them Pronouns

Learning to use new pronouns, especially neutral ones, can be difficult. I have a few tricks.

  • Put the pronouns next to their name in your phone
  • Anytime you think of that person, say their name followed by their pronouns in your head 5 times
  • Work to change your mental image of the person to match their identity and their image of themselves so that it overrides your previous view of them (and potentially their physical presentation) and the correct pronouns are more likely to come out first
  • Hang out with people that are at least trying to use the correct pronouns
  • Be open to being corrected and get used to gently correcting others. Set ground rules that you will correct each other as needed (I am still terrible at this).

Do you use they/them pronouns or know someone who does? What was the process like for you in getting used to using they/them or teaching other people how to? Do you have any other tricks or ways of explaining it that have helped? Leave a comment below!!

6 Months of Self-Discovery

What I Knew at the Beginning

  • I have both male and female gender
  • I am more comfortable presenting gender neutral, tomboy, or androgynous
  • I’m pretty sure I experience dysphoria but I’m not sure what triggers it or what to do about it
  • Having my husband transition has given me the language and permission to explore my identity and has increased my discomfort at being perceived more feminine due to heteronormativity

Fears I Had

  1. My dysphoria/discomfort would increase the more I focused on it.
  2. I would discover that to be truly happy/whole I would need to use neutral pronouns and name and society wouldn’t be able to accommodate that.
  3. That I would end up less comfortable than I was before starting this process.
  4. That if I get to the point where I have to explain being non-binary to my family they would not understand.
  5. That I would have to change jobs in order to feel comfortable.

Goals of Self Discovery

  1. Identify how much my gender fluctuates.
  2. Identify specific triggers of dysphoria and develop strategies to manage it on a daily basis.
  3. Improve resilience, reduce fatigue, and generate a sense of wholeness.
  4. Find ways to communicate my identity to others.


What I Know Now

  • I fluctuate between 50% female to 25% male (0 being equal amounts of each).
  • I have a significant amount of social dysphoria that is primarily triggered by female labels (ma’am, ladies, girl) and to a lesser extent by female pronouns (she/her).
  • I have a minimal to moderate amount of physical dysphoria, primarily related to chest and voice.
  • I am most comfortable when referred to using they/them pronouns and using the name Meaghan Ray (or having equal amount of time being identified as Ray as Meaghan).

Did My Fears Come True?

  1. Yes, some days it feels like my dysphoria does get worse the more I focus on it. But the truth is, it is there regardless and I can either ignore it and have a vague sense of discomfort, frustration, irritability, fatigue, and lack of focus, or I can identify it for what it is, thus increasing my awareness of it but also improving my ability to address it or cope with it.
  2. Yes, in order to live my best life I would prefer neutral pronouns 100% of the time and no, I don’t believe society (or at least my specific workplace) can accommodate that. But I also discovered that I am decently comfortable with female pronouns most days. It’s the other gendered terms that affect me more and that is something I might be able to address in the future.
  3. No, I am definitely more comfortable now than I was before. I have significantly fewer symptoms of burnout and a ton more strategies to deal with bad dysphoria days.
  4. I haven’t gotten to the point of coming out to my family. I have broached the subject in relation to correcting their assumptions about the binary and explaining a friend’s experience but have not discussed my own identity yet. I’m sure I will write a post about it when I do.
  5. Changing jobs may or may not increase my comfort level. But I have become significantly more comfortable without changing jobs so I take that as a win.

Did I Achieve My Goals?

  1. Yes, I very clearly identified how much my gender fluctuates using a chart I created which you can read about here.
  2. Yes. Read about my physical and social dysphoria triggers and my strategies for coping here. One important step was cutting my hair short. Read about my exploration of my gender expression here.
  3. Yes, I have noticed a significant improvement in my resilience and fatigue levels and I’m hoping that these and my sense of wholeness will continue to improve as I come out to more people.
  4. Yes, I have some ways to communicate my identity to others though I am still working on this one.

Still Working On…

  • Coming out to people slowly, including my family
  • Introducing myself as Meaghan Ray or just Ray in queer spaces
  • Managing the physical discomfort that comes from wearing a binder so I can wear it as often as I feel the need to

Looking Ahead

  • Fears about dysphoria during pregnancy and early motherhood and how to manage it (I’m not pregnant yet but hope to be in the near future)
  • Being a non-binary parent

What have you learned about yourself in the last 6 months? What fears did you have before starting your own gender exploration process? How has your understanding of your own gender changed since you started to explore it more consciously? Leave a comment below and tell me your story!