With any change comes a letting go of what was and a discovery of what could be. This is the process of grieving. It can be overwhelming.

As changes go, gender transition is one of the biggest. Some losses are forever. Some are temporary. Some are hard. Some are easy.

- Straightforward medical care
- Access
- Fertility
- Familiarity
- Safety
- Security
- Global travel
- Friends
- Family
- Relationships
- Relatability

Not everything you lose is negative. Some things that you lose are harder to recognize but should be celebrated.

- Confusion
- Pain
- Boxes
- Tension
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Walls
- Ignorance

Grief allows you to make room for new and meaningful things. Change is growth. Processing what you have lost allows you to recognize what you have found.


With any change comes many new things. As changes go, gender transition is one of the biggest.

Some changes you want. Some you just have to deal with.

Some are sudden and turn you upside down. Some you see coming forever. Some you only see in hindsight.

Some happen slowly whether you want them to or not. Some happen fast and force you to adapt.

- Puberty 2.0
- Body shape
- Medications
- Scars
- Euphoria
- Confidence
- Community
- Support
- Deeper understanding
- Pride
- New identity
- Openness

Big changes bring lots of new things. These are the building blocks of who you are and who you will be. Understand, accept, and celebrate the new things big and small.

This is the first zine I have created! Hope you like it. Find me on instagram @meaghan.ray.peters to see a video of what the zine looks like in full!
As always, please leave a comment below to tell me what you think!